Public Workshops London

Utterance offers affordable comprehensive public speaking education in London. We provide three levels of training expertly designed to progress you from beginner to expert. Each course comprises of 5 weekly sessions near Euston station in London. The courses are progressive and as such are designed to be completed in order.

Level One: Public Speaking Key skills

Level one produces proficient public speakers and communicators. You will confront nerves and anxiety, building confidence and resilience in order to speak authentically in any situation. You will rediscover your vocal and physical potential and learn to speak with more clarity and power. You will practice in a friendly environment, following a detailed programme that includes tailored exercises and individual feedback.

By the end of this course, you will have: (see more)

Level Two: Intermediate Public Speaking

Level two furthers the skills learnt at level one and introduces advanced techniques to help you progress from a competent to an accomplished public speaker. We will continue to increase confidence and personal impact as well as vocal and physical range. You will learn to use voice and gesture more powerfully. Thinking on your feet and communicating under pressure are a main focus at this stage as is learning to identify adapt to different communication styles.

By the end of this course, you will have: (see more)

Level Three: Advanced Public speaking

Level three provides a series of in-depth masterclasses, each covering an advanced topic. The choice of content will be tailored to the requirements of the specific cohort. Sessions might include: advanced language and speech composition including the traditional figures of rhetoric, as well as contemporary sales/marketing strategy; learning to read a room and adapting our message accordingly; communication for high stakes situations for example, job interviews, appraisals and disciplinaries; and, challenging conversations role-play.

By the end of this course, you could have: (see more)